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In future, the delta pronatura GmbH group of companies will trade under the name Dr. Beckmann Group® all over the world

The global presence under the name Dr. Beckmann Group® will be launched on 1 February 2025 and act as a unifying framework for all the brands and international subsidiaries of delta pronatura GmbH.

Dr. Beckmann is by far the largest brand in the entire company and will play an even more significant role in the future.


Egelsbach, 29 January 2025 -  A shared name and a standardised logo –  delta pronatura GmbH and its international subsidiaries will be given a new corporate identity from February 2025 in order to facilitate even more successful growth in the face of strong international competition: 
the Dr. Beckmann Group®.

Dr. Beckmann is by far the largest brand in the company. It is largely responsible for the group’s growth. Another advantage is that it is recognised worldwide and enjoys a high level of trust among consumers. This applies not only to the German-speaking countries but also to the growth markets in the UK, France, Poland and China as well as Latin America and countries in the Asia-Pacific region, among others.

“If we are to continue to grow in the face of international competition, we need a common denominator for all our brands and all our locations. With this new unified presence, we can capitalise on our strength in the global market even more effectively and successfully continue our growth trajectory,” explains Nils Beckmann, CEO of delta pronatura GmbH. "All of us at the Dr. Beckmann Group are passionate problem solvers and drivers of innovation, regardless of which of our brands we work for and where we work. We want to showcase these shared values worldwide."

New presence and tried-and-tested brand strategy
In future, the company will focus even more intensively on international requirements and market needs than before. To this end, the sales and marketing structure in the regions and countries in which we trade as well as global cooperation across all areas of the company will be strengthened. Personnel development also plays an important role for Nils Beckmann: "Internationally successful companies with global brands are also more attractive for potential recruits – and especially for high potentials and highly qualified specialists."

With the launch of the Dr. Beckmann Group®, the group’s overall corporate identity will change, but the brand strategy will remain the same. In addition to the core brand Dr. Beckmann and the other proprietary brands Carbona, Bullrich and fess’nett, the distribution brands Bi-Oil, Blistex, Jordan and fenjal will continue to be key components of the sales strategy of the Dr. Beckmann Group®. Each of them covers an important area of solution expertise for different customer needs and is part of the overall portfolio. They contribute to achieving the company’s purpose all over the world: to improve the lives of people around the world with lasting effect.